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50 projects started in Ningxiang

By | nxiang.net| Updated:  Feb 10,2022 L M S
On February 7, a ceremony was held to mark the start of major projects in the first quarter of 2022 at the China Resources C'estbon Beverage Purified Water Production Base in Ningxiang Economic and Technological Development Zone.

The construction of 50 industrial projects was started, with a total investment of 23.03 billion yuan and a planned investment of 9.945 billion yuan in 2022.

Project construction serves as not only the lifeline and the key to economic development but also the driving force for high-quality development.

This year Ningxiang lays out 195 industrial projects, including 104 continued projects and 91 new projects, with a total investment of 135.483 billion yuan and a planned investment of 53.089 billion yuan.

The first working day of 2022 witnesses the launch of 50 projects with a total investment of 23.03 billion yuan and a planned investment of 9.945 billion yuan.

Among those 50 projects, 19 projects are from Ningxiang Economic and Technological Development Zone including the Production Base of China Resources C'estbon Beverage Purified Water and the No.2 R&D Center of Gree Electric Appliances; 17 projects from Ningxiang High-tech Zone including Zhongli New Material Technology and Zhongke Shinzoom Technology; and 14 projects from other units.

Ningxiang will next strive to carry out its due missions under the strategy of “Three Hubs and Four Missions” so as to achieve all-round development in multiplication of enterprises, industrial ecology and business environment.

“Once it’s completed, the production base of purified water in Ningxiang will be a ‘star factory’ for the China Resources C'estbon Beverage, making greater contribution to the economic and social development of Ningxiang.” Zhu Hong, deputy director of the China Resources C'estbon Beverage, said that the base project is to introduce 2 production lines of 81,000 bottles per hour and 5 imported injection production lines, which can increase its productivity by 50 million boxes per year.